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Avalanche Formation and Release


In this video, our lead guide, Judson, gives you a taste of what you will learn in our AST 2 program.

In this lesson, we use a catastrophic avalanche video to demonstrate how avalanches are formed and how they release. Are you looking to increase your confidence in the backcountry? 

Our courses are the best way to maximize your fun and safety this winter. 

The KBG Method: 
Online pre-learning combined with FOUR field days.

Our AST 2 is a 4-day course is designed to give you the foundation needed for a lifetime of safety in the backcountry. You will need to complete your online pre-learning course, which is comprised of a series of lectures, videos (like the one you just saw), discussions, and quizzes that review and expand on the lessons learned in the AST-1. We follow this with FOUR full field days in classic backcountry locations throughout the Kootenays.

The AST-2 course is for students who are looking to get professional-level decision-making tools and processes so they can find the best snow and increase their safety. 

 We offer Local AST 2 and Lodge-based AST 2 courses - choose the best option for you!

Interested in an AST 2, but not sure if you're ready?  The Blog post below is for you! 


ARE YOU READY TO TAKE THE AST2? - News from the Backcountry - Kootenay Backcountry Guides

One of the frequently asked questions we get at KBG is: When will I be ready to take the AST-2?   Ultimately the decision rests in your hands and should be in line with your backcountry goals and experience. In this post, we aim to help your dec
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Join Judson On The Lodge-Based AST-2 Course

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